Daily Routine: Homework & In-Class Assignments

I debate the importance of homework at the middle school level. I try to keep it so every student has plenty of class-time to complete an assignment. The majority of a student’s grade is based on tests and quizzes; more performance based. Each quiz is based off a certain set of homework assignments and so if a student doesn’t do well, they know which chunk of homework to review. The following solutions also help:


Turn it in Tuesdays: Anything that needs to be turned in will land on a Tuesday. I have used the “Turn it in Tuesday” idea for two years and the parents especially like it. I made the poster on VistaPrint. Students would typically get extra time to turn in assignments. I believe in having answers readily available when students are practicing. I have a binder with answers for students to check their work as they complete assignments. Then students know if they are practicing correctly. “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect.” However, I end up with tons of paperwork where my time could be used elsewhere. So now I have decided to use Homework Quizzes on Tuesdays (see below).

Tarq Class

Warm-Up/Bell-Ringer: “Please show me the work to problem #4 on last night’s homework.” This helps to keep kids to continuously work on their assignments and for me to check understanding.

Homework Quiz/Weekly Checkpoint: I am going to try to have a “homework quiz” on Tuesdays. I will randomly select four-eight problems and have students turn in this page instead of all their other homework/in-class assignment pages. Since the answer sheets are always available online and in the classroom, I am looking for the work. I walk around to minimally help students. If a student is in the ball-park of the right answer, they get full credit. If it clearly looks like the student hasn’t done any of their homework, then they get no credit. When I have real quizzes, the students will know which homework assignment they need to re-do. HomeworkQuizImage


Homework Summary/Warm-up Page: This page is printed every week and ready on Monday when homework is technically due and we have the Homework Quiz. Wednesday has a big blank space because I use problems from this book. There are 60 problems for each section including Geometry, Probability, Number Sense, etc. The homework summary portion helps students keep on track with the homework that is due Tuesday.

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